ECF Egret Pair by Lake Framed Oil Painting by Artist Elisabeth Ferber.
- Two majestic white egrets feeding at the water's edge.
- As the stand among the green grasses and purple flowers by the lake,
- they search the water for a tasty morsel.
- A fallen tree provides a perch for one bird as the pair searches in the water.
- Expertly crafted by Elisabeth Ferber, ECF Egret Pair by Lake Framed Oil Painting will add a touch of charm to your collection.
- Original oil painting. Painting is 9" x 12" and has been framed to 12" x 15".
- Bring the beauty of nature into your home with this expertly crafted Oil Painting.
- This stunning piece by acclaimed artist Elisabeth Ferber
- will add a touch of elegance to your decor.
- The intricate details and thoughtfully chosen color palette capture the majesty of two white egrets as they search for their next meal.
- Acquire a true masterpiece that will enhance your space and inspire admiration.
About the Artist:
Elisabeth Ferber is a full-time artist. She began painting in 1998. Born to artistic parents and having spent much of her childhood in Europe, she was exposed to a very classical art background. This classical influence is integral to her current style.
Elisabeth paints mostly En plein air and will use photos to create larger paintings.